May 17 Team at a very blustery High Camp

Mountain Trip lead guide Aaron Diamond called in an update on the May 17 Denali West Buttress Team, waiting out more wind at High Camp. The team has a few days left on their expedition schedule before their turn-around date and they plan to continue to wait it out, in hopes of a better summit window,…

The Waiting Game: May 17 at High Camp

We’ve all heard the saying “Patience is a virtue”…..but it’s difficult when you are at 17,200′ at High Camp on Denali. The team is watching the weather carefully and standing by for the opportunity to ascend. The challenges of keeping mentally strong are just as real as the physical challenges of a climb, and we…

May 17 West Buttress Team – Rest Day at High Camp

Once again the team awoke to high winds streaming off the summit ridge above camp, and decided to wait for better conditions to make their summit push. The weather forecast is suggesting a promising weather window on Monday and Tuesday, with the winds diminishing significantly and dry weather predicted. Here’s the quick update from the…

May 17 Team Moves to High Camp!

Unfortunately Jason’s trip dispatch was cut short, but nonetheless it’s nice to hear his voice and to hear that the team made the big move from 14 Camp to High Camp at 17,200′. It’s an exhausting day, but completely exhilarating to climb the fixed lines, wind along the ridge, the arrive at High Camp. The…