June 18th Team – Wet at Camp 1

Constance called in a dispatch in French, which we, unfortunately, do not speak very well. If anyone could please post a translation into the comments, we’d sure appreciate it!! The team spent the day at Camp 1 being rained on intermittently. The weather has been incredibly difficult, with low visibility and rain. We have occasionally…

Final Report for the June 18 Team

Gustav and Jesse called in the final team report for the June 18 Team. It’s been a whirlwind of activity the past 24 hours: the team descended from High Camp, hiked to Base Camp, flew to Talkeetna and drove back to Anchorage. They are now enjoying a well-deserved cold beverage and sharing a final team…

June 18 Team at High Camp 17,200′

Yesterday the team retraced their steps up the fixed lines and the headwall, climbed the beautiful ridge line above 14 Camp, picked up their cached items at 16,500′, and made the final push to High Camp at 17,200′. It’s an exhausting day and Etienne reports that the team moved well and is feeling good. Great…

Rest Day for June 18 Team

Both the June 18 Team and the June 15 Team took a well-deserved rest day at 14 Camp. Rest days are an important part of the climbing schedule because they allow climbers to recover, hydrate, and relax after many days of strenuous work. They were not totally idle, however, and the guide teams set up…

June 18 Team Moves to 14 Camp

It sounds like Windy Corner lived up to its name today, but the team was able to push through and they made it to 14 Camp. From 11 Camp, the team ascended Motorcycle Hill, Squirrel Hill, crossed the Polo fields then made a big left hand turn up and around Windy Corner. They passed their…