June 15th West Buttress Team Is At High Camp

Mountain Trip guide Nick Nason called in on behalf of the June 15th Denali team.  They made the big push up a stunning ridge to arrive at 17,200′ today.  The morning started with another ascent of the fixed lines, clipping in with their ascenders to gain added security on the 40-45 degree slope.  The ridge…

Rest Day for June 15 Team

Both the June 18 Team and the June 15 Team took a well-deserved rest day at 14 Camp. Rest days are an important part of the climbing schedule because they allow climbers to recover, hydrate, and relax after many days of strenuous work. They were not totally idle, however, and the guide teams set up…

June 15 Team Retrieves Cache

The team make a quick descent to the cache site, dug up their gear from the cache, then climbed back up to 14 Camp today. It’s a fairly short distance between camp and the cache and team members had time to nap, play games, and generally relax after they returned to camp. Here’s Nick with…

June 15 Team Backcarries

The team made a quick drop from 11 Camp down to their cache site to retrieve the cache. It’s a quick round trip and after they returned to camp, Fischer lead a skills lesson for the team. It sounds like everyone is doing well and enjoying the break in the weather! Here’s Fischer: