Final dispatch: May 28 Denali team

With plenty of adventures, twists, turns (and way too many laughs to count), the May 28 Mountain Trip team returns to Anchorage happy and satisfied, having placed all 5 clients on the summit. The international relations of our team members provided plenty of banter and smiles along the way, often providing the catalyst for “solving…

May 28 Team – Multiple Summits!

The members of our May 28th team have had a somewhat “out of the box” few days!  The team has split up, for reasons to be explained below, but everyone is doing well and is in good spirits.  Three of the five team members have reached the summit via two separate attempts and two more…

May 28 Denali Team Pushed To High Camp!

Lead Guide Constantine Sevaris called in to report that he and the members of our May 28th Denali team pushed hard yesterday and climbed up to High Camp at 17,200 feet on the West Buttress of Denali! It sounds like conditions were tough for part of the way, with wind and snow making travel challenging…

May 28 Team Calls From 14,200′

Mike called in from our May 28th team, giving us an update on the team’s progress thus far. They have been having some trouble connecting with their satellite phone, so Mike apologized for the team not checking in recently. We are working to remedy that situation. The team carried up onto the ridge above the…

May 28 team ascends the fixed lines

The May 28 Mountain Trip Denali team went up on the fixed lines above 14-Camp today, the steepest and most intimidating section of the West Buttress Route, to leave a cache near High Camp. They enjoyed a spectacular walk in good weather along the ridge towards 17,200 ft. The team is resting back at 14,200…

May 28 Team holding at 14,200 ft.

Client Mark calls in on behalf of the May 28 team, who have run into weather on the high mountain. He said that they spent the day in their tents, drinking hot drinks, sleeping, and doing their best to pass the time until. He joked that they all talked a lot about solving the world’s…

May 28 Denali Team Calls From 14,200′

Lead guide Constantine Sevaris called in on behalf of our May 28th trip. They are camped at the broad, Genet Basin at 14,200 feet on the West Buttress route of Denali. The team has been busy pushing upwards, but is now waiting on the weather to improve above them, so they can make a move…