May 27 Final Blog

From the comfortable confines of the Mountain Trip house in Anchorage I would like to, once again, thank Arthur, Diarmuid, David, George, Kari, Peter and Roman for climbing with us on Denali.  We were all tested by the mountain and I believe that we came away with a respectful experience in the Alaska Range. Our…

More tough weather on the way down

The team is heading down the mountain, but the weather continues to challenge them.   It’s been a windy and snowy couple of days and they spent today just above windy corner waiting for the winds to calm so they could continue their descent to base camp.  The weather forecast has continued to call for partly…

Windy Day up high

It was still blowing almost 30 mph in high camp this morning and the team never really got a chance to go for the summit with reasonable conditions. If it’s blowing 30 mph in camp, it’s likely quite a bit higher up at Denali Pass, and on to the summit. With the cold temps and…

Rest Day at High Camp

The team took a day to rest and recover at high camp today after a big day of climbing yesterday.   They are thrilled to see the improved weather, their patience is paying off with some blue skies and light winds in the forecast for the next couple of days.   They hope to go for the…

Sunshine and moving on up!

The climbers are finally being rewarded for their patience over the last week of stormy weather with a beautiful sunny day.   They took advantage and moved on up to high camp today after 11 days at 14,000 ft.   It’s hard to explain how difficult it can be to stay motivated to climb during a long…

Another Day of Wind and Snow

If wishing could change the weather, our teams at Camp 3 would be moving up to high camp today, but unfortunately the weather isn’t so cooperative.  It was another day of wind up high and snow, but things began to settle down as the day wore on leaving them with some hope of moving up…