May 27 Team – Diarmud calls from 4328m

The team was unable to move up to high camp today, as a lot of snow fell on their camp and strong winds buffeted their tents.

Diarmud’s report is in the classic understated fashion of the Irish.  Other reports we have received indicate that 2′ (60cm) of snow fell on Tuesday and winds of up to 55 mph (90 kph) hammered camp.  Such conditions result in very firm drifts that “set up” like concrete, so the team was very busy keeping such snow off their tents, lest it build up to a point that it enveloped their living quarters.

The forecast looks like the weather might improve, although it looks to remain very, very cold on the upper mountain.  Hopefully, the team will be able to push up to their high camp, as they have spent a lot of time at the now all-too-familiar 14,200′ area!


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