Aconcagua Team at High Camp!

Lorenz called in from high camp today!  The satellite phone call is very garbled, but we’ll include the link for you anyhow.  They moved up in nice weather today and are preparing to leave for the summit early tomorrow morning.  Weather forecast is looking good and it sounds like a few teams have been trying…

Aconcagua Team – Tough Move to Camp 2

Lorenz called in from Camp 2 at 18,000 ‘ (5500m) this afternoon.  The move up to what is often called “Chopper Camp” was very challenging today, as they had to break trail through knee deep snow all the way.  Breaking trail at over 17,000′ is HARD!!  Strong work guys! The plan is to make a…

Aconcagua Team is at Camp 2

Today, amidst deep snow, the team pushed up to 18,000′ in very difficult conditions.  It was an extremely challenging day, with the team first needing to dig their tents out of the thigh deep snow and then break trail uphill for hours, “post holing” with each step. In a phone call to our office this…

SNOW!! Lots of Snow on Aconcagua!

Lorenz called in from Camp 1 at 16,400′ (5000m) with an update after he and Fermin made a carry up to Camp 2 in very, very difficult conditions.  The hike up to Camp 2 generally takes about three hours, but the deep snow resulted in a six hour trip up today. Snow has fallen to…

Aconcagua Team – Rest Day at Camp 1

  Jack called in today’s post, although it is, unfortunately, largely unintelligible.  Camp 1 is in a valley that drains from a large bowl that separates Aconcagua from Cerro Ameghino, it’s 20,000′ neighbor.  Ameghino sits directly to the north of camp, and it’s towering height interferes with satellite connectivity.  Communication from the next camp, at…

November 28 Aconcagua Team is at Camp 1

Amidst blustery winds, our Aconcagua team packed up and hiked 3000′ up to their next camp, located below a very large basin at an elevation of about 16,400′ (5000m).  Lorenz called with an update and from the sound of his voice, it was a bittersweet departure.  Base Camp is a pretty comfortable place, with good…