Blue Skies in Lobuche!

We are all currently in the small village of Lobuche, arriving yesterday morning accompanied by clouds and wind. Today we are enjoying perfect weather and great views all around. Part of the team climbed a 17,000 ft peak near here with amazing views of the whole Everest region.  We also toured the Italian Pyramid Research…

Short Hike below Ama Dablam Today

Awoke to more cloudy weather this morning. Has been consistent cloud, snow and fog for quite a few days. Fortunately we have been afforded some great views with the mixed weather conditions. Up to 16,000 ft today for another acclimatization hike just below Ama Dablam near a small lake.  The team had an exciting time…

Photos from the Trek

Up relaxing in Dingboche here. Good hike this morning up to 15,500 ft and the small village of Chukung. Woke today to light snow and cloud. Now enjoying the wonderful sunroom at the Snow Lion Lodge having some Latte’s! Some great news from up higher on the mountain. Our Sherpa team has been up to…

Perfect Day in Dingboche!

Namaste! Hello from Dingboche! Today we had another wonderful day hiking closer to Everest Base Camp. We have been very lucky with the weather and everyone is doing great! On our way to Dingboche we stopped at the monastery at Pangboche and had our expedition blessed by the Lama Geishe. What a truly amazing ceremony.…

Beautiful Day in Namche!

Hello from Namche Bazaar! The Mountain Trip Everest Team is off.  We began with a little luck on our first day by being able to fly into Lukla, which does not happen often! After a couple days of trekking from Lukla in very mixed weather, we all arrived in the lovely village of Namche where…

Scott Woolums from Kathmandu

On the ground here in Kathmandu going through checklists, sorting permits and taking care of the multitude of tasks in preparation for our upcoming Mt Everest Expedition.  We have a great team this season and will all arrive in here in Kathmandu on April 1st and 2nd respectively.  We’ll make final preparations and plan on…