Everest Team Is At Camp 1!!

Namaste from 20,000 feet! Against some protest from our sleepy bodies, We woke up at 1am this morning and after some coffee and breakfast we started up through the Khumbu icefall towards Camp 1. It was a beautiful night with the nearly full moon in the east and except for some winds it was perfect…

Everest Team Prepares to Move to Camp 1

Hello again from Everest Base Camp!  We’ve had a great stay at our semi luxurious base camp here at 17,500 ft on the Khumbu Glacier, but we are ready to start climbing this big mountain that looms over us. We’ve spent the last week acclimatizing, practicing some ice climbing and ladder crossing skills, and preparing…

Everest Base Camp Trekkers Say Namaste!

Namaste Everyone! Here’s our final dispatch from the trekking crew. Two days ago our small group left Namche Bazaar after a relaxing morning visiting the Sherpa Museum that was full of Everest memorabilia and artifacts from the local Sherpa culture. Before hitting the trail we stopped one last time for sweets at the Namche Bakery.…

Everest Team – Acclimatization Hike

Namaste Everyone! It started as another beautiful day here at 17,450 ft on the Khumbu Glacier at foot of Mount Everest, blue sky and calm winds down here at base camp, but we could see the winds blowing up above. We had a leisurely morning, coming over to the dining tent about the time the…

Everest Team Checks In From Base Camp

Hi!! Vanessa here with M.T. updating the blog! Yesterday we did some light travel on the glacier and captured some pictures of the Khumbu Ice fall. After we had a relaxing evening of stories and more card games (which I won- sorry Luke!). This morning our team started out with an amazing breakfast of eggs,…