Everest Team Headed to Camp One!

April 25th – Update from Base Camp Manager Scott Woolums: Yet another perfect day here in Base Camp! The team took an acclimatization hike up through the lower part of the icefall today. All reported great conditions and a fun day out. They have all of their gear and supplied packed and the Sherpas are…

Audio Update from the Mount Everest Team!

As the team moves up the route and WiFi becomes non-existent, the team will begin to call in audio updates from the route when they are able! Once again, like the other written updates, please keep in mind that the team may occasionally not have good reception to get an update through, or they simply…

Everest Base Camp Update

4/23.   Hey All, Been a very busy and  stormy few days here at Everest Base Camp. The team has been settling into base camp life, out doing acclimatization hikes and training in the bottom of the Khumbu ice fall. Always busy with helicopters and now drones (a bit of a problem), and traffic up and…

Everest 2021 – Puja Ceremony at Everest Basecamp!

Fischer Hazen called in today from Everest Base Camp! The team arrived yesterday, and spent today relaxing and acclimatizing around camp. The team is looking forward to training and reviewing skills that they will employ when they make their first trip up through the Khumbu Icefall. The team participated in their Puja Ceremony. This is…

Everest 2021 – At Base Camp!

Jacob Schmitz called in today from Everest Base Camp! The team arrived in good style today, with everyone feeling fit and healthy. They were treated to a tasty dinner and a tasty cake for dessert, courtesy of our amazing Base Camp staff. The plan is to rest and acclimatize for a day or two and…

Everest 2021 – A Breath of Fresh Air

Whop. Whop. Whop. Whop. The concussive sound of a helicopter warming up surrounded us. It was go time. The rotors increased in speed and with a subtle bump in power the B3 lifted off the tarmac in Kathmandu. We pitched forward, increased the throttle and rocketed off towards the mountains. Below us Kathmandu was fading…

Everest Here We Come!

Everest 2021, here we come! Following a year of uncertainty, challenges and quarantines it is surreal to be sitting on a trans-Atlantic flight making my way towards Nepal. The months of training and staring at seemingly endless spreadsheets of expedition gear lists and itineraries are finally coming to a close.  No longer will I be…