June 17 Pancoe Team Moves To High Camp!

Moving high in warm, clear weather, the Pancoe team made good time climbing up the steep fixed lines and out along the ridge that leads to High Camp.  Located at 17,200′ (5242m) on a small flat expanse atop the West Buttress, Denali’s High Camp is a challenging place.  Climbers need to build stout walls from…

Team Ema Carries Loads Around Windy Corner

Team Ema is on the move!  Today, they carried loads of supplies up and around a notorious feature on the West Buttress route – Windy Corner.  But, as Mountain Trip Guide Kaylee Walden shared in today’s update – not today.  It was beautiful and windless. The team climbed up a moderately steep slope right out…

West Rib Team – Cached Around Windy Corner

Dave Helland called in after the team carried loads around Windy Corner on what was, by other accounts, a windless day.  It’s been hot and the team has been moving well, trying to capitalize on the cooler early mornings. Today started out with a thousand foot climb up Motorcycle Hill.  The climbers have now donned…

Snyder Denali Team Caches at 10,000′

Lead Guide Nick Nason called in from Camp 1 on the Kahiltna Glacier after he, Alan Snyder and Logan Demarcus had a great day carrying loads to an elevation of about 10,000′.  It was a sunny, clear day and they made the most of the good weather to ferry supplies close to their next camp.…

June 10th Denali Team Caches at 16,500′

Benefiting from beautiful weather, Mountain Trip’s June 10th West Buttress team climbed up the steepest section of the route today, to establish a cache of supplies on a striking ridge at about 16,500′.  They had dropped down glacier from their 14,200′ camp yesterday to retrieve supplies that had been previously cached at 13,500′, which they…

Team Ema Moves To 11,200′

Lead Guide Jason Denley reached out today from a beautiful basin camp that will be Team Ema’s new digs for a few days.  They departed their previous camp early in the morning to take advantage of colder nighttime temperatures, which make for easier travel than you’d encounter in the heat of the day. Arriving into…