May 26 Team – Ready to Cache

Scott Woolums called in to report good conditions and happy team members last night. The team is at the 11,000′ camp looking to move their equipment and food up to 13,500′. Today the team will carry loads around Windy Corner and dig a two-meter hole in the snow. In that hole, the team will leave…

May 20 Team – Perfect Day At 14

Today this team carried loads from their cache near Windy Corner back to their camp in the 14’000′ basin. After that, they took time to practice skills required to climb fixed lines and the ridge to Washburn’s thumb.  The next section of the mountain is one of the most technical in terms of climbing and…

May 13 Team – On the Summit NOW!

Everyone on this team is on the summit right now! The weather is good and everyone is working together well. On Summit day reaching the top is only half of the task. The descent follows the West Buttress downhill to Denali Pass. While descending the Autobahn, you can see in the distance, foothills of the…

May 16 Team – At High Camp

Today this team climbed the Fixed Lines above 14,000’ and past Washburn’s Thumb. The weather was perfect and now they are in position to complete their goal. Life at 17, 200’ can be hard but the views are amazing. From High Camp you can see Mt. Foraker, the Kahiltna Glacier, Denali Pass, the Autobahn and…

May 26 Team – Moving Up

In the last few days, this team has traveled from Basecamp to Camp 1 and cached their food, fuel and high elevation equipment at 11,200’. The Kahiltna Glacier is enormous and by the end of tomorrow this team will have already traveled a substantial piece of it. At their next camp, this team will practice…

May 20 Team – Having Fun At 14

This team has made steady progress uphill. Today they completed one of the hardest days of their trip. After seeing rain, wind and snow our friends got a beautiful day for mountain travel. You can hear the joy in their voices. Today they got to climb Squirrel Hill, the Polo Field and around Windy Corner…