May 18 Denali Team at High Camp

They May 18th team spent the day resting and recovering at high camp today after a big climb yesterday to 17,200ft. The weather is beautiful, and looks like it will continue to be great for a few more days, so they are hoping to get to the summit tomorrow after this day of rest. They…

June 1 Team at Denali Base Camp

The June 1 Denali West Buttress team is off to a great start!  They had a beautiful day and flew into basecamp on the Southeast fork of the Kahiltna Glacier on schedule today.  The flight from Talkeetna takes about 45 minutes and takes climbers from the warm summer weather up to 7000 ft where they…

May 18 Denali Team at High Camp Today

Brain Kramp called in for the May 18 Denali team from high camp!  They climbed in beautiful weather today up some of the most technically challenging terrain on the West Buttress route to their camp at 17,200 ft.  The views from this camp are amazing, and they enjoyed great weather today. Everyone is in their…

May 28 Team Moves to Camp 2

The team enjoyed beautiful weather for the move up to Camp 2. They retraced their steps from yesterday and continued on past the cache site to 11,200′, the location of Camp 2. It sounds like the team is moving well, fueled by the guide team’s yummy cooking. And did I mention ice cream for dessert?…

May 21 Team Caches at 16400′

Lead Guide Ben Adkison called in the trip report tonight. He reports that the team had great weather for moving a load of equipment and supplies up the fixed lines, to a cache site at 16,400′.   The terrain immediately above the 14 Camp starts out pretty mellow, but the slope increases as the climbers…

Rest Day for the May 18 Team

The Team enjoyed a well deserved rest day today at 14 Camp. It’s important for a climber to allow his/her body to rest and recover from all the strenuous exercise of the previous days. It also allows time to eat well and rehydrate before moving up to High Camp at 17200′. The Team’s rest day sounded…