June 15 Team Retrieves Cache

The team make a quick descent to the cache site, dug up their gear from the cache, then climbed back up to 14 Camp today. It’s a fairly short distance between camp and the cache and team members had time to nap, play games, and generally relax after they returned to camp. Here’s Nick with…

June 11 Team at High Camp 17,200′

It was a cold, windy day on the upper mountain but the team was able to move to High Camp at 17,200′. They retraced their steps up the Headwall, made their way carefully along the beautiful ridgeline above the Genet basin, passed their cache site, and arrived at High Camp. It’s definitely some of the…

June 18 Team Moves to 14 Camp

It sounds like Windy Corner lived up to its name today, but the team was able to push through and they made it to 14 Camp. From 11 Camp, the team ascended Motorcycle Hill, Squirrel Hill, crossed the Polo fields then made a big left hand turn up and around Windy Corner. They passed their…

June 22 Team at Camp 2, 11200′

The team made the quick jump from 10,000′ to Camp 2 at 11,200′ today. It sounds like the team is moving well and enjoying the relatively stable weather. The plan is to cache a load of equipment and supplies tomorrow, weather permitting.   Here’s Ahmad with today’s report:

June 11 Team Caches on Ridge at 16,400′

Today the crew made a big push up the steepest part of the West Buttress route, carrying loads of equipment and supplies to a cache site 16,400′. They started out early, climbing moderate snow slopes for approximately 1,400′ above 14 Camp. At roughly 15,600′, they reached the Headwall, a steep ice and snow slope that…

June 22 Team Single Carries to 10,000′

They are moving on up! The team made a single carry to a camp located at 10,000′. A “single carry” happens when a team moves camp with all of their belongings, as opposed to a “double carry” which implies that the team caches a load of equipment and supplies and then picks up the cached…

June 18 Team Retrieves Cache

From 11 Camp, the team made a short descent to retrieve their cache. This system of caching allows the team to move manageable loads up the mountain and acclimate at the same time. The team arrived on the glacier with an incredible amount of food and supplies to take care of themselves for 21 days…