Back in Talkeetna

Everyone flew off the mountain last night back to the relative civilization of Talkeetna.   They were all pretty tired after a long night of travel.   It was a good effort by all the climbers, but the weather just never cooperated to allow them to reach the summit.  We’ll get a good trip recap posted from…

Everybody is in base camp

They are all in base camp this morning and just waiting for flights now.  They had a bit of a tedious journey down this morning, breaking trail in the new snow and pretty bad visibility early in the day, but they didn’t have too much problem with crevasses, and are happy to be in base…

Heading to base camp

All of our climbers are on the way to base camp this morning.  They left late last night, and have been working their way around the crevasses of the lower Kahiltna glacier and are almost to base camp this morning.   It has been a bit of work, with challenging conditions and weather (again) but…

June 26 Team Heading Down

They had a stormy, snowy night last night again at high camp and after a windy morning they are heading down.   It’s been a bit disappointing for the team, but they gave it their best shot and sometimes the weather just doesn’t allow you to get to the summit.  With the snow and the…

Blue skies, but wind today

They woke up to blue skies this morning, but the wind was raging up higher on the mountain throughout most of the day.  Jared called in this afternoon to get the forecast, which isn’t any better for the next several days.   They are still doing well, and trying to stay motivated to be up there,…