Long trip down the mountain

The June 19 team is heading down the mountain tonight, and if the weather cooperates they hope to be in base camp tomorrow.   It’s been an almost perfect trip for them, weather-wise, so let’s hope their luck holds out.   They hope to be traveling down thru the lower Kahiltna glacier during the early morning hours…

June 19 Team on the Summit!!

Jacob just called in from the summit of Denali!  They had to break trail through some pretty deep snow at times today, so it was a lot of work, but they made it.   It is a beautiful evening up there, no wind and blue skies above.   A great way to celebrate Independence day. Meerie turned…

Summit Attempt! June 19 team

Jacob called this morning to say they were finishing a bit of breakfast and packing up to try for the summit.  The weather has improved this morning, and they are going to give it a try.  We hope to hear from them on the summit late this afternoon.  They’ll try to call from the top,…

June 19 team moved to high camp

Kelly called in from high camp after moving up on a reasonably nice day.  They were settling in this evening melting snow for water and making some soup and dinner.  Everyone did great today, and they are excited to be up at 17,200 ft. Click below to listen to Kelly’s call from high camp. [audio:http://mountaintrip.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/audio-post-2011-07-03-02-44-11.mp3|titles=Audio…

Meerie called in from the June 19 team

Meerie called in this evening after a nice rest day.   They are all doing great, and hoping to move to high camp tomorrow!  She say’s hello to her family, and that she is doing well. The quality of the call was much better tonight.  Here’s Meerie’s call. [audio:http://mountaintrip.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/audio-post-2011-07-02-05-05-32.mp3|titles=Audio Post]

June 19 Team

Meerie called in this evening from the 14,200 ft camp after climbing up to over 16,000 ft on the ridge today.   It sounds like they are doing great and had a pretty nice day up high on Denali today.  They are planning on taking a rest/acclimatization day tomorrow before pushing on up the mountain again.…