June 5 Team Final Dispatch

Jordan sends in a final dispatch for the team: “After a gorgeous final stroll down the Kahiltna early this AM, from camp 1 to Base Camp, the team enjoyed a final restful day at the airstrip waiting for the runway to soften. In due order TAT swooped in to grab us in the afternoon. With…

June 5 Team Arrives in Basecamp

Yesterday the team was able to descend into Camp 1 at 7,800′ (2377m) before the glacier got too warm to continue. They camped here for the day, waiting until 1am when the glacier had refrozen before continuing their descent. Early this morning they arrived back in Basecamp (7,200′ 2194m) where they await their flight back…

June 5 Team Descends to Camp 1

After standing on the summit, the team descended back to High Camp and spent the night there. Yesterday, they packed up at High Camp at 17,200′ (5242m) to descend back to Camp 3 at 14,200′ (4328m). They rested here and ate some food before moving down further into Camp 1 at 7,800′ (2377m). The team…

June 5 Team Moves to High Camp

Yesterday the team was able to pack up in Camp 3 and move on up to High Camp! They retraced their steps from cache day, first climbing out of Camp 3 at 14,200′ (4328m) to the bergshrund at 15,000′ (4572m) where they clipped into the fixed lines with their ascenders. Here they spent a couple…

June 5 Team Caches at 16,200′

Yesterday the team left camp to climb 1,000′ to the start of the fixed lines, which took about two hours to get to. Once arriving at the bergshrund (where a glacier meets steep ice, creating a crevasse that sloughs dramatically away from the steep ice and continues across an entire mountain face) the team found themselves…