Team Snyder Caches at 13,700′

Today the team moved a load of equipment and supplies to a cache site around Windy Corner at 13,700′. Thankfully Windy Corner did not live up to it’s name—it was a beautiful day! The plan is to keep the momentum going, and move up to 14 Camp tomorrow. Here’s Nick: recording

Team Snyder Backcarries

The team made a quick lap to the cache site and picked up the load of equipment and supplies that they left a couple of days ago. It’s really an “active” rest day, as the cache site is very close to camp. It gave the team an opportunity to stretch their legs and keep the…

Snyder Denali Team Caches at 10,000′

Lead Guide Nick Nason called in from Camp 1 on the Kahiltna Glacier after he, Alan Snyder and Logan Demarcus had a great day carrying loads to an elevation of about 10,000′.  It was a sunny, clear day and they made the most of the good weather to ferry supplies close to their next camp.…

Team Snyder Moves To Camp 1

Mountain Trip Guide Logan Demarcus called in from 7,800′ on the vast Kahiltna Glacier.  He, Alan Snyder and Lead Guide Nick Nason made the five mile trek from Base Camp in the early hours of pre-dawn, and enjoyed great conditions, with a firm trail up the glacier.  As the day warmed with the sun of…