June 15 Team on the Glacier!

The report tonight is a bit garbled, but it’s still possible to understand that the team made it to Base Camp! I’ll bet everyone is excited to be there and ready to get going. The team set up camp, reviewed glacier travel skills, and rested before heading out early tomorrow for Camp 1.   recording

June 15 Team: The Talkeetna Hang

The team mobilized to the runway this afternoon, and they thought they would make it in to the range, but the weather moved in once again and the team will stay in Talkeetna another night. This is not an uncommon situation for teams attempting to fly in to the Alaska range, and over the years…

Meet Mountain Trip’s June 15 West Buttress Team!

We welcome the June 15th West Buttress climbers who have chosen to place their trust in Mountain Trip. Denali, “The Great One,” or “The Roof of North America”, is often touted as the hardest of the Seven Summits, or highest peaks on each continent. Denali rises in stark contrast above the surrounding tundra, standing like…