June 26 Denali team camped at 11,200′

Climber Kirk Ridenour called in on behalf of the Mountain Trip June 26 West Buttress Expedition on Denali. The team plans lay their cache of extra food and fuel tomorrow at around 13,500′, at the top of Motorcycle Hill. Here’s the route the team will follow to make their cache and when they continue on…

June 26 Team Calls from 9,700′

Daniel Laidig called in a special message from the glacier, as well as an update on the team’s progress.  This morning, they packed up their camp and moved just shy of 2000′ up the Kahiltna, setting up their Camp 2 on a flat stretch of glacier at around 9700′.  Packing up and moving camp is…

June 26 Team Calls From Camp 1

Jacob Schmitz called in from 7,800′, following a five hour hike up the broad Kahiltna Glacier today.  The team had been delayed a bit in Talkeetna, which enabled them to review skills in town.  The guide team was satisfied that all the climbers were ready to hit the ground running, so they moved up glacier,…