June 16 Denali Team moves to High Camp

Mountain Trip guide Robert “Durney” Durnell called in with an update on the June 16 West Buttress Expedition, who have moved to High Camp on Denali! Since the steep, exposed section of the route on the Headwall requires crampons instead of snowshoes, so the team had to break trail in waist to chest deep snow.…

June 16 Team – Still Waiting at 14,200′

Lead Guide Rob “Durny” Durnell called in from the team’s camp at 14,200′.  He and the team have been waiting patiently for any break in the incessant snow that might allow them to move up the mountain.  It has been relentless.  This has been an exceptionally long stretch of snowy weather.  The team is eating…

June 16 Denali team at 14-Camp

Mountain Trip Guide Robert “Durny” Durnell called in with an update on the June 16 West Buttress team on Denali, who was successfully able to move up to 14,200′ on the mountain and set up camp. Durny said the trail was well established up to Camp 3, and the team made great progress up above…

June 16 Team Carries to 13,500′

Lead guide Rob “Durny” Durnell called in after the team made a carry up to about 13,500′, where they dug a deep pit in the snow and buried their cache of supplies before dropping back to Camp 2 for the night.  Guide Brian Kramp made pizzas for the team, which sound to be a crowd-pleaser!…

June 16 Denali team caches at 10,000′

Mountain Trip guide Robert “Durny” Durnell called in with an update on the June 16 West Buttress Expedition on Denali. Last night the team made their cache at about 10,000′ on the notoriously windy Kahiltna Pass above Ski Hill. The team was undoubtedly tired out by carrying and pulling the heavy loads up a couple…