Aconcagua Team Back in Mendoza!

The climbers summited Aconcagua at 22,841 feet (6,961 meters) on Monday and were back in a nice hotel in Mendoza by Tuesday night. They left High Camp yesterday morning, descending to Base Camp by mid-day and hopped on a helicopter for the ride back out to the trailhead where a van was waiting to take…

Aconcagua Summit Day!

The weather improved over the last day-and-a-half, and the team was able to move up to Camp 3 yesterday (Sun, Feb. 6). This morning they woke up early and left high camp for the summit at 5:30 a.m. We’re getting occasional updates today from Base Camp, communicating via radio with the guides on the hill,…

Stormy Day on Aconcagua

It was another night of wind and snow up at more than 17,000 feet at Camp 2 on Aconcagua. The big storm passed overnight, and the weather improved through the day today. They were able to get out of the tents and walk around a bit after a couple of days of weather delays. The…

Chris Calls in From Camp 2 Aconcagua

Chris made the call for the team’s expedition dispatch today from Camp 2 at 17,700 feet (5,400 meters). They’re still waiting out some weather and watching it snow up there today. They awoke to some mild AMS (Acute Mountain Sickness) symptoms this morning, which is normal as they acclimate to this high altitude. The feeling…

Rest Day at Base Camp

Lead guide, Fermin, called in to report that the team is taking a rest day today at Base Camp. It’s a cold, but lovely, day with new snow accumulation. The plan is for the team to continue ascending higher up the mountain tomorrow. Here’s Fermin: Recording

Aconcagua Team Climbs to Camp 1

Josie called in an update from the Aconcagua team at base camp. They climbed up to Camp 1 with some equipment to cache for their move, and more importantly, to continue their acclimatization process. They’ll make a couple of climbs up above base camp in the next few days, returning to sleep at base camp.…

Aconcagua Team in Base Camp!

The team woke up this morning at Confluencia Camp, fueled up on breakfast, and continued hiking up the Horcones Valley to the Plaza de Mulas Base Camp! It’s a beautiful hike up to 14,100 feet (4,300 meters)—and a picturesque spot at the top of the valley and the base of Aconcagua—where they’ve settled in for…

Aconcagua Team at Confluencia Camp

The journey has begun and they are at the Confluencia Camp (3400 m/11,150 ft) on the approach to Aconcagua. On the approach to basecamp, they’re trekking with a day pack and the expedition gear is carried by Mules up the Horcones Valley. Our team will take an extra day at the Confluencia Camp to acclimatize…