Update from Camp 1

April 20-21, 2011 Camp 1, 20,300′ (6190m) Bill called this morning (tonight in Nepal, due to the time difference), to report that the team is nestled in at Camp 1 at just about 20,300′ (6190m).  They made great time moving up through the Khumbu Icefall, which is apparently in really good shape this year.  The…

Camp 1 Pumori

We’re posting from 18,600′ while on an acclimatization hike we’re taking to Camp 1 on neighboring Pumori (7145m) today. It’s a bit cloudy and windy, so we aren’t getting the great views of Everest, but it feels good to get the legs and lungs working. We’ll hang out up here for a half hour or…

Playing on the ice

Base Camp, April 16 -Bill Allen We woke to the usual beautiful blue skies this morning here at base camp. After another delicious breakfast, we went into the ice a few hundred feet from camp to practice some ice climbing and rappelling in anticipation of heading up through the icefall in just a couple of…

Everest Base Camp

April 15, 2011 4:15 pm -Chris Davenport Hello everyone and welcome to another dispatch from Everest Base Camp. We arrived here two days ago to the delight of all the team members. The novelty of the trek and teahouses had pretty much worn off and we were all ready to move into the comforts of…

One step closer to base camp

April 12th- We hiked up to Gorak Shep today, the site of the last lodges before reaching base camp. It isn’t really a village, but more a small collection of six or eight lodges built for trekkers. We are only a couple of hours hike from BC now, so we’re anxious to get there tomorrow.…

April 10th- On The Trail

April 10, 2011 Dingboche, Khumbu Valley. We are now just two days away from Everest base camp and feeling fit and ready to move up. The last two days were spent in Dingboche, a village at 4300 meters at the confluence of the valley the leads up to Island Peak below the South Face of…

Everybody in Dingboche

Bill Allen, Dingboche. April 9, 2011 We’ve all met up finally in Dingboche at our favorite lodge, the Snow Lion. Gregg Mellon and Debbie have been trekking with a group of friends and have already visited base camp. They came back down the valley to join us yesterday here in Dingboche, and Gregg will turn…