May 26 Team Moves to High Camp

Yesterday the team moved up to High Camp! They retraced their steps to the cache, climbing first for a couple of hours to the start of the Headwall where the Fixed Lines are. They ascended these ropes to the ridge at 16,200′ (4937m). Once a top the ridge they climbed another 1,000′ to High Camp.…

May 24 Ski Team Summits!!!

Not only did the team summit yesterday (yeehaw congratulations!!) they skied from the top of North America!! Many a ski team heads up this tall peak, but conditions are often not favorable for this kind of a move. So it is an extra special summit. Good job team. They are also very lucky to be…

May 29 Team Moves to Camp 3

Lead guide Jacob Schmitz calls in last night. The team was able to move up to Camp 3 yesterday, 14,200′ (4328m). We now have several Mountain Trip teams at Camp 3, party! Arriving at Camp 3 is always an exciting part of the expedition. Being at Camp 3 sets you up for the move to…

May 26 Team Rest Day at Camp 3

The team took a rest day yesterday after caching on the ridge the day before. No significant updates! The team left a great voicemail detailing all their favorite parts of the expedition so far. It sounds like the team is doing really well. I am sure they spent today hydrating, fueling, and napping. Teams will…

May 26 Team Caches at 16,200′

The team was able to put in a cache at 16,200′ (4937m) yesterday! They started out their day climbing over 1,000′ to the bergschrund below the fixed lines. A bergschrund is where the start of a glacier meets steep ice and the sub sequential crevasse that forms here sloughs away from the ice above creating…