Denali May 30 Team is on the Glacier!

The May 30th Team made the two hour drive north to the small, end of the road (literally!) town of Talkeetna Alaska.  They finished their registration process with the National Park Service and attended an NPS orientation on the challenges of climbing Denali, before making their way to the airstrip to board a ski equipped…

Denali West Rib Team

Eli Potter called in from Apex Camp on the West Rib of Denali.  The team had a big, hard day of climbing to reach this small perch at roughly 12,900′.  They had to negotiate a very challenging bergschrund, which is a large, crack or crevasse that forms where the glacier of a valley pulls away…

May 30 Denali Team – Meet the Team!

This morning another team of climbers from around the world met a team of Mountain Trip guides at the Millennium Alaska Hotel in Anchorage to finish their preparations for an attempt on the classic West Buttress route of Denali.  The West Buttress is an iconic route that climbs over 13,000′ from the southeast Fork of…

May 26 Team – Camped at 9700′

Lead Guide Peter Inglis and Rick Piette called in tonight’s update from their camp at about 9,700′ on the upper Kahiltna Glacier.  The weather has been perfect and everyone is doing great.  They made what we call a single carry up to this elevation, meaning that they packed up all their kit at their previous…