May 21 Team Back at High Camp

Quick update from Lead Guide Ben. Don, Thomas, Niclas, Gearoid, and Ben are back at High Camp, safe and sound, where they reunited with Greg and Jesse. It was a long day for everyone and hopefully the team will be able to get a good rest tonight. They will eat, hydrate, and pack up and…

SUMMIT!! May 18 Team

Congratulations, Team! It sounds like it was less than optimal weather conditions high on Denali today, but the team worked through the adverse conditions and put one rope team on the summit. Woo hoo! Great job and here’s Brian: recording

SUMMIT!! May 21 Team

It was a long, cold, windy day but the team pushed through and Don, Thomas, Niclas and Gearoid stood on the summit of Denali. Well done! The team will check in again, once they are safely back at High Camp. Here’s Lead guide Ben and team: recording

May 28 Team Moves to 14 Camp

Today Team Alpha Whisky (May 28) made the move from 11,222′ to 14,000′. They cruised past Windy Corner and yesterday’s cache site and plateaued in the beautiful Genet basin. The views from 14 Camp are stunning—Mount Foraker is right in your face and the Alaska range seems to go on forever.       The…

June 1 Team on the Move!

The team woke early, packed up camp, and moved approximately 5 miles up the glacier to Camp 1 at 7800′. Lead Guide Seba reports that the team made good time and enjoyed the beautiful weather on the lower glacier.   Here’s Seba: recording

May 18 Team Practicing Patience at High Camp

It’s a difficult, but essential, skill for a mountaineer: patience. The team was poised for a summit attempt, but the weather on the upper mountain was not settled and it became a rest day at High Camp for the team. Climbers will be resting, hydrating, eating, and mentally preparing for an opportunity to continue the…

May 25 Team Caches at 16,400′

It was an exciting day for the Team to carry a load of equipment and supplies up the Headwall and the fixed lines to a cache site at 16,400′. Above 14 Camp the terrain steepens and the world broadens as climbers ascend up and out of the Genet basin and on to the flank of…

May 21 Team at High Camp!

It sounds like it was a long, but good, day for the May 21 Team as they pushed up to High Camp 17,200′. The team is moving well and guide Jesse reports that everyone is in good spirits and excited to finally be at High Camp. After the big move, the team will now rest,…

June 1 Team at Base Camp

It was skills day at Base Camp for the June 1 Team. Lead Guide Sebastian Grau reviewed glacier travel skills with the team and each team member prepared his/her sled for the move to Camp1. The Team plans to make their move to Camp 1 in the early hours of the morning, around 3:30 AM,…