Wrapping it up!

Hello everyone! This is Joe Butler with the final post for the May 12 Denali expedition.  I want to congratulate all the members of our team!  Although everyone did not make the summit,  I strongly believe the expedition was a success as a whole.  The team worked great together and everyone returned home safe and…

A summit and a descent from high camp

Markus, along with guides Karen Kingsley and Nick Shepherd, left high camp early this morning to attempt the summit, and I just received word that the rope team has made it safely back to high camp, having successfully summitted Denali!  They are all well and plan on descending the mountain to basecamp over the next…

A summit bid, bad weather

Joe and the team made a bid for the Denali summit, but were turned down by increasingly bad weather conditions.  They descended safely to camp and are now gathering their strength for one more shot tomorrow.  Tomorrow is their “up or down” day, the last day an expedition can attempt the summit due to limitations…

At high camp!

Joe and his team have made it to high camp after a tough but satisfying move from 14k.  Joe reports everyone being fed and in their warm sleeping bags, about to start a good night’s rest.  They plan on taking a rest day tomorrow and waiting for their summit attempt.

To All Mountain Trip Teams

We just heard about another accident on Denali that occurred last night.  This was not a Mountain Trip team.  All our climbers are doing fine at this time. Details are not clear at this time, but apparently four climbers roped together fell while descending from Denali Pass.  Two of the climbers did not survive.  We…

The Waiting Game

Lead Guide Joe Butler called in yesterday to report that winds were still too strong to make the move from their camp at 11,200′ up to the 14,000′ camp. However throughout the evening weather improved and the team is optimistic about their chances for today. With any luck they will be packing up their camp…