May 11 Team Backcarries to 10,200′

The May 11 team did not call in last night, but they successfully retrieved their supplies yesterday from their cache site at 10,200′ (3108m) and are now fully supplied at Camp 2 (11,200′ 3413m). Yesterday is what we call an “active rest day”. It typically doesn’t take long for the team to retrieve their cache…

May 11 Team Arrives at Camp 2

Jordan calls in to let us know that the May 11 team has successfully moved up to Camp 2 (11,200′ 3413m). After making breakfast, coffee, and melting snow for water this morning, the team broke down camp and packed everything up in backpacks and sleds. Once that big task is done the team lays out…

May 11 Team Weather Day at Camp 1

The May 11 team dug in at Camp 1 through some wind and low visibility yesterday. Rest day/weather days are a great time to refine your cribbage skills, catch up on some reading, take a nap, or worry about eating all the snacks you brought for the whole trip.. Depending on where you are on…

May 11 Team at Basecamp

They May 11 team made it to Denali’s base camp yesterday afternoon! After an extra day in Talkeetna waiting for the weather to clear they got the call from Talkeetna Air Taxi to get ready to go. They loaded their massive piles of gear onto the plane again, and this time they flew right into…

May 11 Team – Talkeetna Hang

Lead guide Matt Park emailed the office to update us on yesterday’s adventure. “We had ourselves a genuine Alaska Range fake out today. After making our way to Talkeetna with the team, we had our briefing with the National Park rangers and immediately after were on weather hold. We disbursed into town and were quickly…