June 7 Team Descends to Camp 3

After standing on the summit (20,310′ 6190m), Jesse, Gary, and Grant made their way back to High Camp (17,200′ 5242m) where they collapsed into their sleeping bags for some rest after a long day. Yesterday they morning, they got up, packed up camp, and made their way back to the Fixed Lines to descend back…

June 7 Team Enjoys Another Rest Day

Today the team enjoyed another rest day at High Camp as they wait and prepare for their weather window. Today, the Summer Solstice, they will be making their summit attempt! We wish the team luck, and looking forward to hearing from them later tonight. Summit attempts typically take around 12 hours. They will have to…

June 7 Team Rest Day at High Camp

Yesterday the team was able to take some time at High Camp to rest and recuperate. They spent the day drinking hot fluids, fueling up, and resting. Today they will take another rest day as they wait for their perfect weather window to make their summit bid. Spending significant time at High Camp often isn’t…

June 7 Team Moves to High Camp

Yesterday the team packed up from Camp 3 at 14,200′ (4328m) and retraced their steps to their cache. First climbing up the Bunny Hill for a couple hours to where the Headwall begins, then ascending the Fixed Lines to the ridge at 16,200′ (4937m). Once on the ridge they climbed another 1,000′ into High Camp…

June 7 Team Cached at 16,200′

Yesterday the team left Camp 3 (14,200′ 4937m) to climb about 1,000′ up the “Bunny Hill” to where the fixed lines begin. This usually takes a couple of hours. Here, at the bottom of the Headwall, two ropes spanning 600′ in length run from the ridge at 16,200′ (4937m) to a large crevasse known as…