Team Ema On The Summit!!!!

CONGRATULATIONS TO EMA DANTAS!!!!! Team Ema reached the summit of Denali on a beautiful day.  Lead Guide Jason Denley and Ema were able to get shout outs to their families before losing the satellite signal.  GREAT JOB!  Ema worked exceptionally hard to provide an example to people around the world that anyone… anyone(!) can do…

Team Ema Takes a Rest Day at High Camp

Team Ema has made great progress and they are poised to make a final push to the summit. In preparation for a summit bid, the team took today to rest, hydrate, eat, and prepare mentally for the last big push. High Camp is an amazing place with incredible views of the Alaska Range—not a bad…

Team Ema Backcarries to Camp 3

Mountain Trip Guide Ryan Gould called in today after Team Ema had a pretty mellow day of descending a bit to retrieve the cache they deposited at 13,500′ a couple days ago.  Enjoying good weather, they made good time and are now well provisioned for the challenges of the upper mountain. Tomorrow, they plan to…

Team Ema – Moved Up To Camp 3

Team Ema is moving on up the mountain!  Today, they packed up camp down in the basin at 11,200′ (3414m) and headed uphill on what Lead Guide Jason Denley described as one of the nicest days he’s seen on Denali in years. Making good time, the team arrived in an even bigger basin, known by…

Team Ema Carries Loads Around Windy Corner

Team Ema is on the move!  Today, they carried loads of supplies up and around a notorious feature on the West Buttress route – Windy Corner.  But, as Mountain Trip Guide Kaylee Walden shared in today’s update – not today.  It was beautiful and windless. The team climbed up a moderately steep slope right out…

Team Ema Moves To 11,200′

Lead Guide Jason Denley reached out today from a beautiful basin camp that will be Team Ema’s new digs for a few days.  They departed their previous camp early in the morning to take advantage of colder nighttime temperatures, which make for easier travel than you’d encounter in the heat of the day. Arriving into…

Team Ema at Camp 1

Our amazing co-worker Kaylee called in the team’s trip report today. It’s been HOT on the glacier and the team has been moving on what we call a “night program.” This just means that the team rearranges its schedule to move on the glacier at night, during the coolest hours of the day. “Night” is…

Team Ema on the Move!

It’s been a busy couple of days for the team, beginning with a team meeting the morning of June 17th followed by an equipment check and a stop at the equipment store for last-minute items. The next morning, June 18th, the team headed north to Talkeetna where they checked in with the National Park Service…