Final Dispatch from the May 13 Team

  Dear Friends and Family, It’s been a pleasure sharing the journey up and down the West Buttress of Denali along with the team consisting of fellow guides Logan, Kakiko, and the climbers Linda, Mike, Katsuya and Mark, all returning safely with all fingers and toes. Denali never gets easier and is always a challenge…

May 13th Team ON THE SUMMIT!

Congratulations to the climbers of our May 13, 2019 Denali expedition!  Linda Wohlgemuth, Katsuya Fukunaga, and Mark Kitchenman stood atop North America today, accompanied by Mountain Trip guides Yoshiko Miazaki-Back, Logan Demarcus and Kakiko Ramos-Leon.  They pushed hard through a variety of weather to reach the summit of Denali. Unfortunately, the team lost the satellite…

May 13th Team Reaches High Camp!

Lead guide Yoshiko reports that the team made the big move up to High Camp (17,200′). It was a cold, windy, snowy day but the team pushed through and they are settling in their fortified tent camp. Over the next 24 hours the team will be resting, hydrating, and watching the weather carefully as they…

May 13 West Buttress Team at 14-Camp

Climber Linda called in a very kind and encouraging update on the May 13 Denali West Buttress team. They spent the day waiting out weather at Camp Three at 14,200′,and gave some accolades to their guides. The team is waiting for better weather to make the push to High Camp. Here’s Linda! recording

May 13 Team at 14,200′, Camp Three

Climber Linda Wohglemuth called in an update for the May 13 West Buttress Team, from Camp Three at 14,200′ on the mountain. The team backcarried to retrieve their cache below Windy Corner and settled in for another night at 14-Camp. Here’s Linda–unfortunately the update gets cut off fairly quickly due to poor signal. recording