June 9 Team Back in Talkeetna

The June 9 Denali West Buttress team is back in Takeetna eating some breakfast and enjoying the luxuries of civilization, like showers, beds, and a meal at a restaurant.   Congratulations to all the climbers for reaching the summit, which has been quite difficult this season particularly.   Here’s Aaron with the final expedition dispatch from…

June 9 Team Back at High Camp

After a big summit push, the June 9 Team is back at High Camp resting and hydrating. Lead Guide Aaron reports that everyone is doing well and looking forward to the thicker air at lower elevation. After resting, the team will make its way down to Base Camp. Here’s Aaron:

Rest Day at 14 Camp for the June 9 Team

The June 9 Team took a well deserved rest day at 14 Camp today. Travis reports that it was sunny and no wind in camp. The team rested, relaxed, hydrated, and practiced skills that they will use on the upper mountain. The next stage of the climb will be up the “fixed lines” that begin…

June 9 Team Back Carries

Today the team descended approximately 700′ to their cache site at 13,500′ to retrieve the load of equipment and supplies that they left a few days ago. Lead Guide Aaron Diamond reports that the team was well fueled for their back carry and they are now thinking about their next move—caching on the ridge above…