MAY 30 TEAM AT CAMP 2 11,200′

Peter called in the team report today. He speaks of poor weather and windy,snowy conditions. The team tried to pick up a cache of equipment and supplies that they left buried on the glacier the day before, but as the team was forced to turn back to camp due to the weather. Everyone is safe…

MAY 30 TEAM AT 7800′ CAMP 1

It sounds like the team enjoyed the beautiful flight from Talkeetna to Base Camp, located on the SE fork of the Kahiltna glacier. Once they arrived at Base Camp, the team ate, rested, and reviewed glacier travel skills. At approximately 9PM the team set out for Camp 1 at 7800′. The team made the decision…


The team arrived at Base Camp yesterday afternoon, safe and sound. Here are a few photos of the team throughout the day, as they packed up, headed to Talkeetna, visited with the National Park Service and then loaded the plane to take them to the SE fork of the Kahiltna Glacier.  


Each season, we work with teams of climbers from different parts of the world, in an effort to help climbers from different cultural backgrounds have a great experience on North America’s tallest mountain.  In just a day or two the May 30 team will begin their journey to Alaska, convening at the Millennium Hotel for…