Heading down

The weather cleared today after the extended stormy period.  The climbers started for high camp this morning, but Suzanne developed a cough and unfortunately needed to turn around.   They descended back to 14,000ft camp to reassess and decided Suzanne needed to head on down.  It’s certainly a frustrating outcome after sticking it out for over…

Another Day of Wind and Snow

If wishing could change the weather, our teams at Camp 3 would be moving up to high camp today, but unfortunately the weather isn’t so cooperative.  It was another day of wind up high and snow, but things began to settle down as the day wore on leaving them with some hope of moving up…

JY and Suzanne

A change of plans: JY has decided to descend down to basecamp and off of Denali; he sustained a sprained ankle yesterday, the injury precluded him from climbing higher.  He is descending with a Mountain Trip guide and plans to be in basecamp tomorrow.  The rest of the team will continue up higher from camp…