Kilimanjaro Team At Shira 1

The team trekked up out of the rainforest today and climbed up into the alpine heath zone of Kilimanjaro. They trekked about  5 miles gaining over 2000 ft up tho the Shira Plateau on the flanks of the mountain.  Shira is one of the three distinct volcanic cones that make up the Kilimanjaro massif and…

Kilimanjaro Team at Big Tree Camp

The team started their trek today and are settling down for the night at Big Tree Camp at 9,120ft. They woke up this morning at the break of dawn to coffee and tea delivered to their luxury safari style tents at Ndarakwai. After breakfast they loaded into the Land Cruisers and headed for the trailhead…

Kilimanaro Team on the Summit!

Congratulations! The team reached the summit of Kilimanjaro this morning. They woke up early this morning for the classic “alpine start,” leaving the Barafu Camp by headlamp in the middle of the night, and climbed up to the top of Kilimanjaro just after sunrise. It is the biggest day of the climb, leaving from 15,340…

Kilimanjaro Team Day 4 Trip Dispatch

The October Kilimanjaro team trekked up to over 15,000 feet today, passing the landmark Lava Tower, where they stopped for lunch, enjoyed the views from their high point of the day. They continued traversing around Kilimanjaro after lunch and actually descended a bit down to the Barranco Camp at about 13,000 feet, where they are…

Kilimanjaro Team at Shira Camp

The team woke to the sounds of monkeys in the trees above them this morning to start Day 2 of their Kilimanjaro trek. They had some breakfast, packed their daypacks with snacks and water, and started up the mountain towards the Shira Camp at 11,500 feet. They left the rain forest today and are trekking…