Jan 13 Aconcagua – Rest Day

Thiyag called in from Camp 2 at 18,000’ (5,480 m). After carrying some gear up to Camp 3/High Camp yesterday, the team enjoyed a well earned rest day today. Tomorrow they will continue to rest and acclimatize to this higher elevation before moving up to Camp 3 on the following day. Thiyag reports that all…

Jan 13 Aconcagua – Camp 2

Thiyag called in from Camp 2 last night. The initial hour of hiking is visible from Camp 1 and ascends the broad bowl of scree that comprises the uppermost portion of the Relinchos Valley, and was once buried under the now mostly dead Relinchos Glacier. Above this point, most climbers will bear west toward their…

Jan 13 Aconcagua – Camp 1

John updated us from Camp 1, 16,300′ (4,970 m). last night. He shared a great dinner time highlight of raspberry jello with whip cream! A super special occasion! The trail to ascends along the side of a steep gully next to a dead glacier covered in rocks. Fields of penitents (tall fins of snow formed by…