Acclimitizing in Camp 2

Were up again in Camp 2 getting ready to go on up to Camp 3 in the next couple days. Lots of people here now between C2 and C3. This is our longest rotation up high, 6-7 days. After this one, we will be ready to summit! Our Sherpa team moved Oxygen and tents up…

Back in Base Camp!

We had an early morning today, waking up at 4am in Camp 2 and starting down by 5am to both beat the heat and hopefully have an uneventful passage through the icefall.  As as the day warms, there is a higher amount of activity in the icefall, so we hoped to get through before things…

Perfect Day in Camp 2!

We went for a long hot slog today up the Western Cwm. We moved up to just below the impressive SW face of Everest. The last couple nights in Camp 1 were absolutely amazing and were calm, cold with the most amazing moon rise behind Lhotse. Manoj and I are planning to spend a couple…

Tomorrow Camp 2!

It is crazy hot here in Camp 1 today!  We went for a hike up towards camp 2 today. Conditions are quite interesting, as we have lots of powder avalanche activity off Nuptse and the west ridge. Tomorrow, we hope to move up to  Camp 2 for a few days, but we’ll see how things…

Up in Camp 1

Manoj, our Sherpa team and I had a spectacular morning in the icefall today.  Conditions coming up were OK, although we encountered lots of deep fresh snow at Camp 1 here.  We made it up, although we were not moving too quickly through the Icefall. After a very hot, sunny morning, now we’re now finding…

Up in the Icefall Today!

It’s been a very special morning in the Khumbu Icefall today! The day started out very dark and cloudy with light snow, but it is now sunny and warm. It’s quite beautiful, actually, although there was a fair bit of fresh snow last night. We are now back in Base Camp after some concern with…