Team Ema Backcarries to Camp 3

Mountain Trip Guide Ryan Gould called in today after Team Ema had a pretty mellow day of descending a bit to retrieve the cache they deposited at 13,500′ a couple days ago.  Enjoying good weather, they made good time and are now well provisioned for the challenges of the upper mountain. Tomorrow, they plan to…

June 10th Team Moves To High Camp!

Taking advantage of sunny skies, the June 10th team packed up and headed uphill – destination High Camp! They rolled into camp at about 2:30 in the afternoon and are eager to see what the weather holds in the coming days, as they are just one climbing day away from the summit of North America.…

June 12 Team – Descending From High Camp

There is an old climbing adage that goes, “When you reach the summit, you’re only half way there.”  Lead Guide Brian Muller called from 14,200′ (4328m), after the team descended from High Camp this morning.  They are doing well and elated at their good fortune to have reached the summit on a beautiful day yesterday.…

Meet the June 20 Team and Update

  Standing majestically at 20,310′ above the surrounding tundra and enticing mountaineers from around the world to test their mettle for over a decade, Denali has enticed another group of Mountain Trip climbers to head to the great white north. Less than 200 miles from the Arctic Circle, featuring frequent sub-zero temperatures in summer, deep,…

Team Ema – Moved Up To Camp 3

Team Ema is moving on up the mountain!  Today, they packed up camp down in the basin at 11,200′ (3414m) and headed uphill on what Lead Guide Jason Denley described as one of the nicest days he’s seen on Denali in years. Making good time, the team arrived in an even bigger basin, known by…

West Rib Team Is At Camp 3

Lead Guide Fischer Hazen called in from 14,200′, where he, Dave Helland and Matt Park are all spending tonight, following a strong showing moving up from 11,200′ in about six hours.  They have been on the move daily for the past week and are looking forward to resting tomorrow, sleeping in and having lots of…