West Rib team taking a rest day

The West Rib team is at their high camp and taking a rest/acclimatization day before heading to the summit. They are enjoying beautiful views, checking the forecasts, and watching the weather hoping to get a shot at the summit in the next couple of days. Here’s Fischer with the update from Balcony Camp:

West Rib Team at Balcony Camp

The West Rib team climbed up to high camp today through some fun ice and mixed terrain. They are settled in at high camp now at about 16,500 ft and are enjoying dinner and birthday celebrations for guide Matt Park! They’re watching the weather closely now and will go for the summit from here in…

Aparna Summits Denali – Her 7th Summit!

Great job Aparna!  Aparna Kumar called in from the summit of Denali, as she completed her goal to climb each of the famed Seven Summits! Lead Guide Sebastian “Seba” Grau Kunhardt leads off the phone call from 20,310′ above North America.  Tenacity won the day today, as Aparna has been thwarted from previous attempts to…

Denali upper mountain route map

June 17th Denali Team – ON THE SUMMIT!

Congratulations to the members of the June 17th West Buttress team!  They reached the summit of North America! This morning they departed from High Camp at about 8:45 am, hiking up a steep, rising traverse, known as The Autobahn (for a party of Germans who slipped…) to reach Denali Pass, the low point between Denali’s…

June 20th Team Moved up to 13,600 ft

The team moved up to camp at 13,600 ft this afternoon, and settled in for the afternoon. It was a hot day and they didn’t want to push up the final hour or so to the 14,200ft basin in the heat of the day. They’ll spend a night and make the final push tomorrow morning.…