June 6 West Buttress Team at Camp One

Mountain Trip lead guide Jason Denley called in an update from the June 6 West Buttress Team at Camp One. The team has begun traveling on a night schedule to move across the lower glacier when it is at its most solid. That means that the team had a midnight alarm set to leave base…

May 23rd West buttress Team – On The SUMMIT!

Congratulations to our May 23rd West Buttress team! They called in from the 20,310 foot summit of Denali, after climbing to the top under amazingly bluebird conditions! Lead Guide Yoshikp Miyazaki reported that it was a warm day on top of North America, after passing the satellite phone around to all the climbers. Congratulations to…

May 27th West Buttress Team – SUMMIT!!

Jesse Wright and Leif Anderson called in from the summit of Denali! The team made good time en route to the top of North America, reaching the 20,310′ summit in about seven hours from their 17,200′ High Camp. We don’t have more details at this time, and it sounded like the call cut out before…