Successful move to high camp

Jacob called last night on the satellite phone from high camp.  Although it was a lot colder up there and people were tired from a long day, Jacob said everyone was warm and dry, eating a hot meal in their sleeping bags.  It took the team 8 hours to move from 14,200′ to 17,200′ (4,328m-5,243m)…

At 14k!

I got a call from 2nd guide Henry Munter last night- the team moved yesterday from camp 2 to camp 3, 14,200′ (4328m) and were settling into a big meal after a long hard day.  This expedition is fortunate to have another Mountain Trip team ahead of them, this means they can save hours of…

Call from Team Staeheli May 1, 2011

Hello followers!  Richard Quintilliani calls in the day’s post.  There are highlights of whiteout conditions,  Enteman’s pastries, and a growing conflict with some Frenchmen. Click to hear:  [audio:|titles=Audio Post]

Waiting on the Wind

…to stop.  Zach called in to let us know they are all doing well, waiting for winds up high to abate before going to high camp.  They took a little 10 minute walk, roped up, to peer over “the edge of the world”, which is a view straight down the North East Fork of the…

Spotty weather

Jacob called in yesterday evening from camp 4, looking for the weather forecast.  Usually 14,200′ (4,328m) is camp 3 and camp 4 is high camp, but the team was forced to make an extra camp due to a storm that blew in while moving from camp 1 to 2; there are no prescribed camp areas…

Our Northwest Buttress of Denali Team

Denali, “The Great One” as it was called by the Athabascans, is a mix of myth and reality.  Located close to the Arctic circle and rising higher above the surrounding area than any other mountain on earth, the stories of huge backpacks, tremendous winds and epic storms are part of the fabric of North American…

Lawrence calling from 11,200′

Lawrence Cutler took command of the satellite phone yesterday and called in from 11,200′ yesterday.  It sounds like the weather was pretty marginal, so they decided not to push it.  One of the challenges of making a decision as to whether to stay or go from this particular camp is that you can’t really see…