June 17 West Buttress team

June 17 West Buttress team called in an update from deep in the Alaska Range, at 11,200′ Camp on Denali. The team likely spent their day yesterday caching at around 13,500′ to prepare for their move up to 14,200′, Camp Three on the route. Here’s the update!

June 19 Team on the Glacier!

After the team’s orientation with the National Park Service in Talkeetna, the weather moved in and their flight to the Kahiltna was delayed a bit. But they were able to fly in later in the day, and the plan is to rest for a few hours then move to Camp 1.   Here’s Brian Muller,…

More Info From The June 17 Team!

The WISSEMU team called in from 11,200′, in a beautiful basin camp.  The team, which is trying to help the first two Indonesian women to summit the famed seven summits, has been doing great! They have been moving well, and have been able to take advantage of some super weather, which we have not seen…

Rest Day at 14 Camp for the June 9 Team

The June 9 Team took a well deserved rest day at 14 Camp today. Travis reports that it was sunny and no wind in camp. The team rested, relaxed, hydrated, and practiced skills that they will use on the upper mountain. The next stage of the climb will be up the “fixed lines” that begin…