June 4th Team – Another Day at Camp 3

Lucyna Kolodziejska called in on the team’s fifth day waiting to move to High Camp.  The weather has been quite unsettled, meaning that for the first few days, it was blustery each morning, but cleared in the late afternoon/evening, but today it was snowing and blowing up high for much of the day.  From the…

June 12 West Buttress team at Camp Two

Guide Brian Muller called in an update from Camp Two at 11,200′, after the team made their move up in good weather and conditions. Denali sandwiches (toasted bagels with cream cheese and lox) were enjoyed thoroughly by all. Next on their agenda is to backcarry to Kahiltna Corner to grab their cache. Here’s Brian with…

June 7 West Buttress Team

June 7 Denali team descended back to their cache near Windy Corner today to grab their gear and bring it back to camp at 14,200′. The team plans to take a few days to rest, acclimatize and prepare for their move to High Camp. Here’s the team! recording