Back in town

Four separate expeditions are now out of the mountains and living it up in town.  Burmeister and his West Buttress team are spending the night in Talkeetna, while the West Rib team, Qobin’s expedition and the Northwest Buttress crew are sleeping soundly in Anchorage.  Good work and congratulations to all the expeditions, and welcome back!

North Peak summit success

The Northwest Buttress team has summitted the north summit of Denali at 19,470′.  They left their high camp at 16,400′ yesterday and finished climbing the last section of the Northwest buttress to the north summit.  They were out of communication but contacted a Mountain Trip team camped at the 17,200′ camp on the West Buttress…

To All Mountain Trip Teams

We just heard about another accident on Denali that occurred last night.  This was not a Mountain Trip team.  All our climbers are doing fine at this time. Details are not clear at this time, but apparently four climbers roped together fell while descending from Denali Pass.  Two of the climbers did not survive.  We…

Vilhauer checking in from camp 3

Our Northwest Buttress team is finding challenging, blue ice conditions on the route, but is making progress.  They are currently camped at 15,400′ and will push up to their high camp at 16,400′ soon. This is a great effort on a huge and beautiful route, so good luck guys!!! [audio:|titles=Audio Post]

Moving Up!

Jared called in yesterday evening to report that the Northwest Buttress Crew had made a move up the mountain and established a new camp at 16,500 feet. Jared says it’s a stunning camp, nestled among huge granite boulders. The team is feeling strong and ready for the next few days, in which they intend to…

Carry to 14,500′

The crew put in another great day yesterday, carrying a load of food and gear to 14,500′.  Conditions sounded a little icy but Jared still reported fun climbing and a team that continues to step up and work hard.  The weather was trying to cooperate; the winds were up a little in the a.m. but…

A little garbled

I spoke with Jared last night, and what sounded like high winds in the background was just the stoves melting snow for water.  Jared reported that all was well, but the connection was poor and I couldn’t understand enough to give an accurate report as to what had happened for the day.  I’ll get a…