James checks in from 11,200′

James Gustafson called in this evening to update us on the team, which is doing great and enjoying some pretty serious sunshine.   Tomorrow, the guide team will make a carry up to the next camp at 14,200′ and the climbers will take advantage of a rest and acclimatization day. By all accounts, everyone is doing…

Jacob calls from 9,800′ camp

The June 19th crew is doing great.  They are moving at night, due to warm temperatures during the day, to mitigate for squishy conditions on the lower glacier.  The plan for today, Friday, is to move to 11,200 camp and take a rest day tomorrow, Saturday. [audio:http://mountaintrip.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/audio-post-2011-06-24-04-35-501.mp3|titles=Audio Post]

June 19th team up at 9,800 ft

Jacob called in this morning from 9,800 ft on the Kahiltna glacier at the top of “Ski Hill”.   They got up early again this morning and moved camp up the glacier.  They’ll spend tonight there and move up to 11,000 ft tomorrow.   Everybody is doing great and they are moving right along so…

June 19 team at Camp 1

The team slept a few hours last night, and were moving by 2am this morning on their way up to Camp 1.  They traveled up the lower Kahiltna glacier for about 5 miles and gained just a few hundred feet from base camp at 7,200 ft to Camp 1 at 7,800 ft.  They had a…