June 4 Team – Fish Tacos at 11K

The June 4 Denali expedition dispatch reports that the team is safe and making steady progress on their West Buttress climb itinerary from their home back of Camp 2 11,000 (3353 m)! Tap the recording link below to hear the full audio update from James. We’re psyched that conditions are allowing this team to continue…

June 4 Team – Breaking Trail to Camp 2

Our June 4 Team called in to let us know they are making some amazing progress along the West Buttress route in less-than-stellar conditions. The team pulled together and gave it their all on a very tough day moving from Camp 1 7,800 ft (2377 m) to Camp 2 11,000 ft (3352 m) in full-on…

June 4 Team – The Journey Begins

The June 4 Team’s Denali expedition has officially begun after they flew out of Talkeetna and into base camp! Check out their team photo below and tap the recording link for the their full update. We’re excited for these guides and climbers to begin their trip of a lifetime! Arriving at Denali basecamp 7,200 ft…

June 4 Denali Team at BaseCamp!

Our June 4th Denali West Buttress team had a big day, meeting in Anchorage early this morning, loading up in the Mountain Trip van and trailer with their piles of gear, and driving to the small airstrip in Talkeetna, Alaska.  Once in Talkeetna, they had a final briefing with the climbing rangers from Denali National…