June 22 Team Arrives at Camp 2

Yesterday this team climbed up Ski Hill, rising 1,200′ above Camp 1 (7,800′ 2377m), and continued to navigate through rolling terrain until they took a big right turn and up another hill into Camp 2, at 11,200′ (3413m). Here, it starts to feel like you’re actually on the mountain. The terrain becomes more technical, the…

June 22 Team Moves to Camp 1

The team moved from Basecamp to Camp 1 through the night on the 24th. Yesterday they enjoyed resting during the warmth of the day, and for now they will likely continue on a night schedule until they get a bit higher. They should be moving to cache supplies today between camps 1 and 2. We’ll…

June 22 Team Calls in From Basecamp

After leaving Talkeetna, the team flew across the flat expanse of braided rivers that leads to the Alaska Range. Flying over the foot of the range they traveled across the glaciated, frozen peaks into Denali Basecamp at 7,200′ (2194m). Unloading their supplies from the plane, the team set up in Basecamp temporarily to wait for…