May 24 West Buttress Team at Camp Two

Climber Dave Ge called in an update on the Mountain Trip May 24 Expedition, who descended to Denali Pass to pick up their cache. They then returned to camp and practiced their ice axe and crampon technique for the upper mountain. Some highlights from the team included quesadillas, spicy curry and getting 10-plus hours of…

May 24 Team Carried Loads to 10,200′

Lead Guide Jesse Wright called in from Camp 1 at 7,800′ (2377m) on the broad Kahiltna Glacier.  Yesterday, they hiked from Base Camp at 7,200′ (2195m) on the Southeast Fork of the Kahiltna Glacier, covering a distance of about five miles (8 km) in pretty challenging, whiteout conditions. The team shouldered their packs and loaded…