June 20 Veterans’ Team – Final Dispatch

Paul Kitchin called in from Base Camp at 7,200′ on the Southeast Fork of the Kahiltna Glacier.  The team made a 12 hour descent through the night, capitalizing on colder, nighttime temperatures to avoid what has been a very hot July on the lower glacier. The team battled a number of challenges during the expedition,…

June 20 Denali Team Summits!

Summit! The June 20 team including climber Paul Kitchin, and guides Aaron Diamond and Nicole Lawton all stood on the 20,310 ft summit of Denali today. They are back in high camp this evening eating and recovering from a big day. They’ll enjoy one more evening up at high camp tonight, and then begin their…

June 20 Paul at High Camp

Paul called in after moving up to 17,200 ft high camp today. He reported that Matt is on his way down with guide Derek and a couple of other climbers. Matt was going strong and doing great on the uphill, but the downhill was proving to be a challenge and after a talk with the…

20 June Vets Team – Holding Tight At 14,200′

Hurry up and wait!  Today, the team anticipated good weather, based on the forecast shared last night from NOAA, so they awakened early and began the process of getting their kit in order to make the tough push up the steepest section of the West Buttress route.  Alas…, the forecast was incorrect, as is often…

June 20th Team Moved up to 13,600 ft

The team moved up to camp at 13,600 ft this afternoon, and settled in for the afternoon. It was a hot day and they didn’t want to push up the final hour or so to the 14,200ft basin in the heat of the day. They’ll spend a night and make the final push tomorrow morning.…