Cook / Bauernschmidt Team ON THE SUMMIT!

Kevin Cook and Eric Bauernschmidt, along with Mountain Trip guides Jason Denley and Tyler Weller reached the summit of North America today! Congratulations to all the climbers for such strong work, during a challenging, cold expedition! Here is the team, calling out heartfelt messages from 20,310′ on top of Denali- recording

May 13 Cook PVT Team Moves to High Camp!

Jason D called in this evening from Denali High Camp! They took advantage of a bit of better weather and climbed up to the ridge leading to high camp, and continued on up the ridge as the weather improved and winds died down. They had a beautiful evening at high camp and are settled in…

Private Cook Team at 14k

The team had a nice mellow “backcarry” day from 14k down the trail about 30 minutes, and hauled some supplies back up to camp at 14,200 ft. They are settled in and hoping to carry a load of food and fuel up to the ridge leading towards high camp tomorrow, but not sounding super optimistic…